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Don’t follow your Passion; follow your Efforts. 


- Lim Kian Keong

Anchor 1

About Me

Follow your Passion?

Do you always hear people saying things like “Follow your Passion”, or “If you do what you like, it won’t feel like you are working”. After three years of working in a 9 to 5 job, I realised I was mentally exhausted. Family and friends kept telling me that work is just like that, hang in there and I would get used to it. I hated the idea that I have to resign to this fate, so I started looking for the “Perfect Job”, something that would give me the satisfaction I craved.


Is this my Passion?

While I was searching for a challenge, an opportunity to join Great Eastern Life was presented to me by one of my close friends. The idea that I could meet up with many people and show them the importance of insurance attracted me, and I decided to step into this field.


The start to everything is always the hardest. My performance was not fantastic, unlike what I had expected, and after two to three months, I started questioning whether this job was the “Passion” that I was searching for. I gave up a stable 9-5 for a 24/7 job that I was struggling with. 


Don’t follow your Passion; follow your Efforts

At one of my lowest points, my Manager showed me an article on Mark Cuban that changed my views overnight. In that article, Mark Cuban said: 


“There are a lot of things I am passionate about. A lot,” say Cuban.

“Instead, pay attention to those things that you devote time to. Double down your investment there. 

If you put in enough time, and you get really good, I will give you a little secret: Nobody quits anything they are good atbecause it is fun to be good. It is fun to be one of the best.”


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This article threw my perspectives on a “Perfect Job” out of the window and I decided that I was going to put 101% into what I want, to be even better. And that is to be there for my clients at their lowest points and make sure that people around me are well taken care of. 


I have found something I want to devote my time to; have you?

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